Tuesday, 18 September 2007

My blog is one month old - Tips to improve site traffic

I would like to express my thanks to everyone who visits my blog. You are the reason why I am keep doing this ... ...

Google Report - Blog Traffic Overview

Learning Point:

  1. I will write more posts during the weekend as the blog traffic goes down during each weekend;
  2. Long posts are better than short ones (Blog traffic goes up a lot after I write a long post);
  3. Use images, and upload them to flickr;

Google Report - Usage Summary
Learning Points:
  1. Share my knowledge & experience (Posts of those type getting more page views than others);
  2. Use proper labels which indicating what the blog is about;
  3. List your best posts as they will attract your new visitors;
  4. Encourage and help people to subscribe the feed;

Google Report - Traffic Source
Learning Points:
  1. Use proper referral sites, including: digg.com, linkedin.com, wired.com, blogcatalog.com;
  2. List which sites/blogs you like;
  3. Try to reduce the bounce rate by putting proper labels against each post
Google Report - Search Results
I am not using Google AdWords or any paid category services. What I 've been doing is:
  1. Leave comments on others' blogs, forums;
  2. Only submit your blog to relative blog/site categories;
  3. Allow comments on my blog and reply emails asap;
  4. Write some posts about google (Google like that, and they promote those posts, which means they generate more links from their engines);
  5. Make the blog looks pretty and armed with useful technologies (google analytics, digg, snapshot, google adsense, etc); [Drop me an email (alexzang@gmail.com) if you need help to implement them]

Technorati Report - Blog Response
  1. Check technorati account regularly;
  2. Understand why other blogs response to mine and express your thanks;


Thanks once again for all your help!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah You Right
Great Khali