- We use functions for several major reasons: readability, code separation, maintainability, modularity.
- In PHP4 objects were thrown around ByVal, this meant that you made copies without even thinking about it.
- In PHP5 objects are always passed BrRef unless you explicitly clone it, keep that in mind.
- Return statements can exist anywhere anywhere within the function, and you can even have multiple return values.
- Avoid situations where the same function may return nothing, or something.
- Strings are the most commonly used variable type in PHP, because they are both central to web development, and the common method of data transmission from the user
- Within strings many characters take a special meaning, matching quotes, back slashes, octal numbers, variables, if you wish to accept them as they are you mush escape them with the \ character.
- strcmp() - Compare two strings. Returns > 0 if $string_1 is greater than $string_2, and 0 if they are equal.
- strcasecrm() - Case insensitive version of strcmp()
- substr() - Used to retrieve a portion of a string
- number_format() - By default formats a number with the comma as the thousands separator, and no decimal.
- preg_match() - Returns the number of matches found by a given search string under this format, also capable of returning the match.
echo number_format("1234567.123"); //Shows 1,234,567
echo number_format("1234567.123", 3, ",", " "); //Shows 1 234 567.123
$string = "156 abc";
var_dump(preg_match("/\w\s\w/", $string)); // 1 (matches)
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